Thursday, September 17, 2009

C.J. Mahaney on Adoption

From "C.J.'s view from the cheap seats"...

My 27 years as the senior pastor of Covenant Life Church were filled with countless joys. Among my happiest memories are the times parents introduced me to their newly adopted children.

Covenant Life, like so many churches, is filled with stories of parents willing to travel to distant lands, to invest thousands of dollars, and sometimes to enter dangerous and impoverished countries with one purpose in mind: to adopt a child.

Meeting these children was a unique joy. Each time I met these adopted children, I felt God’s pleasure. Each time I admired the selflessness and compassion of these parents. And each time I was reminded of the Savior “who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).

Over the next few weeks, C.J. Mahaney will study the Doctrine of Adoption in his blog. I'm sure it'll be well worth the time to read.

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