Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Financing an Adoption (Justin Taylor)

Here's a list of a few adoption financing resources from Justin Taylor.

Justin Taylor and Adoption

I've been reading a lot of Justin Taylor lately (his blog is on my home page). I just learned in this post ( ) that he and his wife have adopted twice before, and are moving toward adopting their third.

It's amazing to me how many families are opening their hearts to Adoption. A few weeks ago, we had a meeting with our church in which about 12 couples who have adopted, or are in the process of adopting got together and shared what they had been going through, and how God had built their faith (and sometimes challenged them) in this process.

I realize that we haven't written much here lately, hopefully that will change. We're in the midst of making a few more decisions that will undoubtedly get us further down this adoption road.

Again, thanks for reading!