Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Talking with kids about adoption...

I posted this website a while back, and I didn't know much about it. I still don't know much about it, or them, but they seem to have solid, biblical resources and thoughts. This is a helpful little article that sets up some categories and suggestions for chatting with your kids about adoption.

"Encouragement for Foster Parents"

This is a quick read, but was very encouraging for me. I won't say
more. Gotta read it!

Here's the original post from Josh Harris

Adoption: The heart of the Gospel

A while back, I posted a link to a sermon by John Piper entitled "Adoption: The heart of the Gospel." A few weeks ago, our church had an adoption meeting, and this article was passed out. Just thought I'd re-post it to keep it fresh. This is about God's heart towards adoption, and worth the read, even if you aren't considering adoption.

Adoption: The Heart of the Gospel

New Look

Since I haven't posted anything on here for a long time, I figure I'd update the look of the site. I don't know how often I'll do this, but I'm playing with blogger templates a little, and decided to create a new one for this site.

Any comments?

Altrogge on Adoption

Carolina Hope Adoption interviews Mark Altrogge on "The Gospel and
Adopting Older Children."