Thursday, May 24, 2007

Prayers for this week...

Hi Everyone,

There really hasn't been much happening on the Adoption front lately.  There is a reason, which I will explain here.

For the past 7 years, we've attended what we think is the best church on the planet, CrossWay.  Well, CrossWay is planning on planting a church in Milwaukee in the next 9 months to a year, and Tricia and I are considering going.  This would mean a move for us, since our desire is to be physically close to our church.  As you can probably imagine, this may have an impact on the adoption process.  We're trying to figure that out right now.

I think it's a situation of this:  should we decide to go on the plant, we feel we should decide before long.  We don't want to be in a position of adopting a child, and then moving to Milwaukee right away.  I think we'd rather move first, then start the home-studies, etc.

So, at this point, there is no movement on the Adoption, and there may not be for a few weeks till we figure out this whole Milwaukee thing.

In light of that, would you please pray for us for:
  • Wisdom.  We want to do the right thing and make the right decisions for the right reasons.
  • Patience.  I think we're realizing that the questions are a lot easier to ask than they are to answer.
  • Clarity. 
Thanks for reading.  (And for praying)

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