Did you know that you can get our posts through the e-mail?
Here's the deal. Enter your e-mail in the box on the right hand side of the page, then press the "Subscribe Me" button. That will take you to a page where they ask you to look at a picture with some numbers and letters in it, and type it into a box. This will keep automated spam stuff from gumming up the system. Anyway. Once you type in all those letters and numbers, you should start seeing e-mails from us... Well... The computer...
Every night at midnight (or so), a robot (not a real robot, just a computer program called a robot) sniffs through our blog for new stuff, and if it finds anything, it'll send it to you in an e-mail. Pretty cool, huh?
The serviice, FeedBlitz.com promises no ads, so if you see any ads, let me know...
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